Saturday, July 3, 2010

im suck in driving?

i thought my driving skill is fine, but after these few days of practicing, im totally wrong ! =(
drove to midvalley yesterday, dad was sitting beside me, and mom was sitting at the back. they kept mumbleling to me. it was all about " be careful the car from your left/right, remember to break , slow down, look, ..........!$#@!%$%$@!$^%!@^ " oh my god!!!!!! i was dead !!!!! i felt like shouting shut up!!! i cant even concentrate ......sigh. i know i have no patient but really, it was too much mom. = =
and i hurt my tummy. because of the car's door. it bled like hell. tried to ask hubby to call me but he was so busy. i was neglected by him. well, maybe i should do what i ve promised, let him be free with his friends and family, i was blue though. could you understand me?

im not sad, im just............sigh.

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